To investigate the Archimedes Principle which states that the volume of a liquid displaced from a container is equal to the weight of the object that it replaces
According to Archimedes Principle, when an object sinks or partially sinks in a liquid, it will be lifted by a force which is equal to the weight of the liquid that displaces the object. Characteristics of force that constantly reacts to make an object stay a float or floating force are
a. Floating force is equal to the weight of the liquid movedby the object.
b. Floating force reacts through the centre Floating forcereacts through the centre of gravity for the volumeof displaced which is called Floating Centre
Overflow container, measuring cylinders (2 pieces), weighing machine, weighing spring, weights.
1.Fill the overflow container with water until overflow level.
2.Weigh the load and record the actual weight of the load (Wj)
3.Weigh the beaker (Wb).
4.Put the beaker under the overflow outlet.
5.Hang the load at load hanger (before putting the load into the water, make sure the load doesnot touch the water surface.)
6.After that, put the load in the overflow container.
7.Read the weight at weighing spring. Record as W2,
8.Observe that water will come out slowly through overflow pipe into the beaker.
9Get the weight difference between actual load and the weight of load in water (A W = W -W2).
10.Weigh the volume of water which overflows together with beaker (Wba).
11.Get the actual weigh of overflowed water (Wa=Wba-Wb).
12.Repeat steps 1 to 12 using different weights
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